Reviews of the best mobility aids to help you stay active, independent and on the move

Best Rollator Walkers

We reviewed the best rollator walkers to make it easy for you to choose. With many features, safety requirements, comfort factors and prices to consider, our comparison chart will help you confidently decide.

Best Walking Frames

Walking frames need to be sturdy, stable and easy to handle. They also need to be strong enough to bear weight, yet comfortable in the hand. We let you know what to look for to get the best fit.

Best Wheelchairs

With so many different kinds of wheelchairs on the market it can be daunting to know where to begin. Our comprehensive review picked the best wheelchairs for a variety of uses and situations.

Best Mobility Scooters

Investing in a mobility scooter means really understanding what you need it for and what features you do and don't need. The right scooter will help get you mobile and back into the community.